Our Legacy

Founded in 1985, MIO is a leading UAE law firm with family roots now its second generation with branches in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah. Our mission is to be facilitators of access to justice for individuals and companies alike. Offering legal representation in practically every jurisdiction in UAE, we strive on achieving this mission with unparalleled legal representation both inside and outside the courts.
The firm’s focus is to provide litigation and legal consultancy services in the UAE, bringing a wealth of experience to various business sectors including financial institutions, construction, oil & gas industries, insurance, real estate and the hospitality industry.
With a steadily growing size of 70 professionals, the team is spread throughout the offices so that the firm may cover a broad array of jurisdictions such as commercial, rental dispute, labour, criminal, arbitration and DIFC courts.

Our mission is to become a leading multiregional powerhouse for best in class legal and innovative business solutions, delivering cohesive value to stakeholders and overall business ecosystem.

Our firm shares the visions to provide access to justice to people by using all legal and non-legal expertise and technological innovations while expanding our service delivery line in the process in an ever-changing legal climate.

We have built our repertoire across the Middle East with the overriding belief that our clients come first and ultimately by bringing legal representation and justice to those who need it. We are widely recognized for the quality of the legal services we provide along with our unwavering commitment to protecting the best interests of our clients.

MIO’s commitment to achieve and maintain the highest level of client satisfaction is demonstrated by our position as the law firm of choice for our clientele. Our clients rely on us because we consistently deliver quality consultation, litigation and support services. Our dedication to providing word-class legal services has resulted in MIO’s steady growth, in size, services offered, diversity of clientele and knowledge base.
We have offices strategically located in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, and Ras Al Khaimah, making it a convenience for clients to visit us for meetings and discussions across the Emirates.